Author Guidelines
EEPES 2025 will be in HYBRID mode (face to face or/and virtual). If the health conditions and travelling restrictions do not allow to be held in-person, the conference will be moved to a fully virtual format.
Each paper should clearly indicate the nature of its technical/scientific contribution, and the problems, domains, or environments to which it is applicable, addressing one or several of the conference areas or topics. Only original papers will be submitted.
Authors have to submit a paper in English, checked for correct grammar and spelling.
The review process is single-blind, i.e. the reviewers are anonymous (reviewers know the authors’ names and backgrounds, but authors don’t know those of the reviewers).
Registration and Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit a full paper according to the templates by April 12, 2025. Please, submit your paper electronically in the source file (DOC/ .DOCX) and .PDF format using CMT Microsoft system.
In case you have never worked with the CMT Microsoft system before, you need to create your account using “Sign in or create your account” form. You will be offered to enter your email and click the “Next” button. The instructions for signing into CMT Microsoft system would be sent to your email. After complete registration you should sign in and complete submission form.
The Conference Committee based on a peer review may forward the submitted paper to another appropriate topic.
Manuscript Preparation Instructions
NOTE: Manuscripts that do not conform to the formatting guidelines below will be removed from further consideration without review.
Please strictly follow template styles MS Word. Before starting, read the example document with detailed instructions. Further information is available at menu Useful files.
Manuscript should NOT have: (1) Headers (2) Footers (3) Page numbers
Paper: Each submitted manuscript should be with at least 5 pages, formatted according to the template and including graphs, annotations, and references.
Abstract: Included up to 200 words.
References: The recommended Reference list is min 10 literature sources. Please, avoid non-English references. Self-citation is allowed, but no more than 10% of the reference list.
File naming and submission: Naming is unimportant as the submission system will take care of that. Please submit both the source file (DOC/ .DOCX) and the PDF to EEPES submission system. PDF must be editable and not password protected.
English: A good standard of English are essential and beneficial also to authors, as well written work will be taken more seriously. If English proofreading is requested by the reviewers, please make sure that the person who does the English proofreading is indeed qualified to do so. If in doubt, there are online proofreading services that are not too expensive, such as,,, and many others.
Reviewing Process
- All manuscripts will be subjected to single-blind peer-reviewing and are expected to meet the scientific criteria of novelty and academic excellence.
- The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring that the article’s publication has been approved by all other co-authors and takes responsibility for the paper during submission and peer review.
- The submitted full paper will be reviewed by at least two independent referees on:
3.1. suitability for one of the topics of the conference
3.2. scientific content and level, the relevance of presented results;
3.3. correspondence with the template, English usage, and grammar. - Review comments will be communicated with the corresponding author and you may require to do necessary revisions and send the revised paper on or before the prescribed day.
Ethics for Authors and Plagiarism
Articles, containing any form of plagiarism will be rejected without reviews. Authors are strongly advised to make sure that their submissions do not substantially overlap work, which has been published elsewhere or simultaneously submitted to a journal or another conference with proceedings.
The software solution iThenticate will be used for plagiarism check. The overall amount of duplication from previously published content should be less than 30% (including references) and up to 8% from single source. If the submitted paper does not meet the above criteria, the authors will receive the result of the review and will be able to make changes.
Any text that needs to be reproduced “as is” should be quoted, and proper references provided. Before sending their contributions, the authors should check and document themselves about plagiarism and self-plagiarism. There is no excuse for a lack of knowledge on this matter.
Please do not submit your paper until it satisfies the requirements of formatting. You can find the templates in the submenu Useful files, as well. Please do not submit your paper until it satisfies the requirements of formatting. You can find the templates in the submenu Useful files, as well.
Generative AI in scientific writing
Where authors use generative artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process, authors should only use these technologies to improve readability and language. Applying the technology should be done with human oversight and control, and authors should carefully review and edit the result, as AI can generate authoritative-sounding output that can be incorrect, incomplete, or biased. AI and AI-assisted technologies should not be listed as an author or co-author, or be cited as an author.
We do not recommend using Generative AI or AI-assisted tools to create or alter images in submitted manuscripts. This may include enhancing, obscuring, moving, removing, or introducing a specific feature within an image or figure. Adjustments of brightness, contrast, or color balance are acceptable if and as long as they do not obscure or eliminate any information present in the original.
Publication Procedure
1. Submit a full paper using EEPES Submission system.
2. The submitted full paper for review should be in English and should present a clear and concise view of the motivation of the subject, give an outline, and include information on all authors (the full name, affiliation, address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author).
3.Using the provided template and guidelines are strongly advised to all authors submitting a full paper for reviewing.
4. In order to be included in the EEPES 2025 conference programme, an appropriate author’s registration and payment for each accepted paper must be received by June 10th, 2025
5. The Conference organizers DO NOT take responsibility for further paper rejection, by the Publisher.
6. At least one author per paper is requested to present the paper at the conference. As it is mandatory for EEPES conference, we will implement a strict “No Show No Publication” policy, meaning that accepted papers that are not presented at the conference will not be published afterwards in the conference proceeding. Such presentations must be done on-site or via online software platform, so participants and authors can talk and interchange their experiences and views.
All accepted papers should be presented in English.
EEPES 2024 will be held on the date we announced.
It is required that each accepted paper will be presented by its author, co-author or a presenter (non-author). The authors are kindly asked to present their papers in 10 minutes to allow 5 minutes for questions and discussion.
Your contributions can be presented in two formats:
– Oral presentations
– Virtual presentations
The authors of the accepted papers who are unable to attend the conference in person will be given an option to present their papers online and attend an interactive virtual conference. The conference will be organized in HYBRID MODE in which participants will be allowed to present in person and online. The proceedings and the certificates will be sent to the corresponding authors through email. However, all matters related to publication and indexing will remain unchanged.
Online presentations will be held in a virtual room environment. Presentations will be made in real-time video conferencing. A separate virtual room will be defined for each session.
All conference sessions will be shared and streamed live via the Internet and will be open to all participants.
More technical details will be announced later.
Please use the recommended template for presentations at the Conference and refer to it for additional information!
The papers will be uploaded on the software platform EEPES Submission System. Please don’t send the papers by email. It will not be processed!
Please use the recommended templates: Useful files >>>