Good to know before travelling
Greece is in the Eastern European Time Zone (GMT+2)
Air temperature: in this period June between 25o C ÷ 28o C.
Sea temperature: in this period June approximately 24 ÷ 25o C
Check the weather in real time: »»Click here
Electric power is 220÷230 VAC, 50 Hz, euro outlets. In any case, please take adaptors for different plug types with you. Please make sure that the electrical devices you will be using (computers, mobile phone chargers, electric shavers, etc.) are suitable for this voltage, otherwise transformers or batteries are advisable.
Local currency
The official currency of Greece is the EURO. Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 18:00. ATMs are widely available around the city and shops accept major credit cards.
Official language
Official language is Greek.
English is widely spoken.
First Aid
A first aid service will be available at the venue at all times during the conference. Please note, however, no other medical service will be provided. Participants are expected to cover the costs of any medical expenses incurred in Greece. Therefore, it is highly recommended that participants have an insurance policy covering medical expenses in Greece and elsewhere during their travel.
EU citizens are advised to carry the European Health Insurance Card.
Participants requesting an entry visa will also be required to submit proof of medical insurance.
Emergency services
Uniform European telephone number for emergency situations: 112